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Once it has captured the data from your dispatch center, ADI will:


Benefits of Using ADI

Fire and EMS Agencies
Dispatch Centers

  • Total control of printing and firefighter notifications

  • Most efficient use of all received data from your dispatch center's CAD system

  • Supplements existing primary voice paging system so dispatches get through to emergency responders. A great asset to agencies with "spotty" radio coverage. Can also be used to help reduce your fire department's ISO rating by using commercial cellular and paging providers as a secondary means of notification.

  • Can automate a portion of the NFIRS reporting system

  • Transparent to CAD system - No software, hardware or procedural changes need to be made at the dispatch center

  • Minimizes Fire/EMS agency reliance on Dispatch Center personnel for technical support

  • Supplements existing primary voice paging system so dispatches get through to emergency responders

  • Firefighter text notifications are originated at and managed by each individual fire department/station.  There is no reliance on dispatch center personnel for this.

ADI/CAD Status Table


CAD Vendor



Chester, PA

Intergraph/Hexagon Available The county sends data out to the fire stations via IP (Internet).

Cortland, NY

Spillman Technologies, Inc. Available ADI will remotely poll a dedicated email account for incident data.

Livingston, NY

New World/Tyler Technologies Enterprise CAD Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data.

Madison, NY

Spillman Technologies Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data.

Manatee, FL

Intergraph/Hexagon Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data.

Montgomery, PA

Intergraph/Hexagon Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data.

Onondaga, NY

Intergraph/Hexagon Available The county sends data out to the fire stations via IP (Internet).
Oswego, NY Spillman Technologies Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data sent from the dispatch center.
Rockland, NY New World Systems
Aegis MSP
Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data sent from the dispatch center.
Tompkins, NY Spillman Technologies Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data sent from the dispatch center.
Wayne, NY Intergraph/Hexagon Available ADI polls an email account to retrieve data sent from the dispatch center.

ADI is a continuously running Microsoft Windows® application that is essentially standing by until it detects a data transmission come in from your dispatch center's CAD system. ADI uses your Windows computer, paging receiver or TCP/IP connection and almost any Windows compatible printer to:

Record all received CAD data to log files on your computer. You can then use ADI's built-in search function to find anything previously received.
Store all received incidents in its own database. All received incident data from CAD is then available to you forever.
Search log files for any phrase by date range.
Select which types of data transmissions automatically go to your printers:
    - Condensed dispatch
    - Initial dispatch (verbatim)
    - Supplemental
    - Alarm close (CAD specific)
    - Available On Radio/Available In Quarters with or without mutual aid (CAD specific)
    - Administrative Message
    - Close Summary (CAD specific)
Select which data automatically gets printed out on a dispatch.  If you don't need all the information that CAD sends you initially, then tell ADI to only print the fields you want.
Also, ADI is truly "Rip and Run" compliant.  This means that ADI can be configured to print as many dispatch printouts as you want.  You can even tell it to always print one copy of the dispatch for each of your units assigned to the response and you can designate which assigned units get a printout and which don't.  For example, an EMS call may have only one unit assigned, hence one printout; a structure fire may have six of your units assigned and ADI will print one copy of the dispatch for each of the six assigned units.  Maybe you only want a printout for certain assigned units - just configure it and forget it. ADI is very flexible.  Assigned units are pre-configured in CAD.  ADI will automatically interpret this information sent to you from the dispatch center at the time of dispatch. (county specific)
Print to multiple station printers. All transmission types listed above can be sent to each printer that you set up through ADI.  Additionally, dispatch data can be directed to individual printers by assigned vehicle IDs. (county specific)
Print to PDF files instead of a printer (requires purchase and registration of Win2PDF or Win2PDF Pro from
Receive incoming data via email (POP3 or IMAP), radio, database polling, dial-up modem or TCP/IP (not all dispatch centers can transmit in all formats).
Prevent users from changing settings without a proper password.
Easily understand and interact with ADI.  ADI is "firefighter friendly" and requires very little, if any, user interaction after the initial setup.  ADI is predominantly menu controlled and is not littered with confusing and unneeded controls.
ADI can interface with WebRelays manufactured by Xytronix via your Local Area Network. WebRelays can be connected to electrical equipment in your fire station and then control that equipment when a dispatch, close or administrative message is received. Some examples include unlocking doors, sounding a klaxon, triggering a traffic signal, turning on lights, shutting off the stove, etc. FDCMS recommends the WebRelay-Quad for fire station applications. Please contact FDCMS for electrical specifications, recommendations, pricing and other information on WebRelays.
ADI can re-transmit a Dispatch and Alarm Close to any user in the form of a SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) message (with or without TLS/SSL).  All you need is an "always on" connection to the Internet (broadband, DSL, etc.) at your fire station.  This feature is beneficial to department members as well as to members of specialty teams (technical rescue, dive, hazmat, etc.) in other mutual aid departments who may need to be notified.  ADI's Notification feature may also be counted as your second means of notification to help reduce your ISO rating. Messages from ADI can be received on most messaging devices including cellular phones, PDA's, alpha pagers and PC's.
ADI stores all received incidents in its database. The database is displayed in a separate window that allows you to quickly see the status of an incident (open or closed) as well as letting you view the complete incident with just a click of the mouse.
Our Incident Data Sharing and Export option allows third-party software developers such as Blue Devil Data© to import data from ADI in to their incident reporting program. Optionally, ADI can export some crucial incident data fields to NFIRS software vendors such as Emergency Reporting, FIREHOUSE Software© and FirePrograms Software. Both of these features will allow your incident reports to be pre-filled with data from CAD. All exported incident files are then automatically uploaded to the vendor.
"Incident Data Forwarding" allows an agency with multiple stations to receive data from the dispatch center and then forward it via TCP/IP to as many as nine satellite fire stations running ADI.  
ADI is designed to interface with Northrop Grumman/PRC, New World Systems' Aegis, Intergraph, Positron, LogiSYS and XML data formats. Other CAD system formats can be added relatively quickly. 
Remote Log Viewer (available at no charge when you purchase ADI) will allow your staff to remotely view ADI's Incident Listing from another location on your network.
ADI will also interface to IDEx. When a dispatch is received, IDEx will suspend its normal cycling and freeze some crucial dispatch information on the computer's screen in large, easy to read characters and at the same time will speak some of the key incident data.  Also, if you install our BetaBrite / Alpha Electronic Messaging Signs, IDEx will display key dispatch data on each sign.
ADI contains its own Dynamic DNS client which allows your dispatch center and others to always be able to connect to your fire station over the Internet. Agencies that receive their data via TCP/IP will benefit from this feature the most. This service is available at no additional charge to agencies that subscribe to our Annual ADI Support Agreement.

How It Works

ADI operates by first capturing formatted ASCII textual data* or XML data from an authorized sender such as a dispatch center.  ADI is specifically configured to recognize the format that your dispatch center's CAD system outputs. Data can be transmitted to ADI by radio or via TCP/IP connections. ADI is also capable of receiving CAD data via e-mail or by polling remote databases or web services. After ADI receives the CAD data it then parses and formats the text which is then saved in its own database, outputted to printers, e-mail, cellular telephones, fire station LED display boards, other ADI clients, etc. 

Interested in ADI working for your department? Contact us for specifics.

*CAD systems that fax text or images of text are not compatible with ADI because they are sending your incident data as an image. 


ADI Installation Requirements
Be sure to check the hardware requirements for IDEx if those applications will be used
  • Dedicated Windows PC
  • 1 GHz Processor (minimum), 2 Gigabytes of RAM (minimum)
  • 15 Megabytes of hard drive space
  • 9 Pin Serial Com Port (or equivalent) - if using an external modem or receiver
  • Modem or Receiver Cable - if using one of these external devices
  • Network Interface
  • Almost any Microsoft Windows compatible printer w/ cable. See the Support Faqs page for a list of known incompatible printers.
  • Microsoft Windows Vista or any later version
  • Broadband or DSL Internet connection

Support Options

FDCMS provides e-mail and telephone technical support for each registered version of ADI for thirty days from the date of purchase. After that, remote technical support is available for a fee.

We also offer an Alarm Data Interface Service agreement. This option includes all significant feature upgrades and format changes imposed by others (county CAD upgrades) while the agreement is in effect. Application updates are available for instant download from the Downloads page of this web site.  Remote technical support is included here for the life of this agreement.


Demonstration Software

A 30 day evaluation version of ADI can be acquired from the Downloads page of this site. Contact FDCMS Support for an Agency Key to activate the application.